Latest Skincare Trends to Look Out For in 2017

Skincare is a field where things change every day. As more and more people are looking for safer, more effective solutions for their skin problems, skincare companies are competing with each other to come up with increasingly innovative products that offer better, faster results.

Let us now take a look at the latest trends that you need to look out for in 2017.

Sheet Masks

Now, sheet masks are not exactly a new trend, as they have been in vogue for quite some time now. Industry observers, however, are of the opinion that the trend of sheet masks will continue well into 2017. They also believe that the quality of these products will be much better than what we have seen so far. For instance, sheet masks made of pure cotton or bio-cellulose with completely natural ingredients are very popular right now than those made of paper or fabric.

Read moreLatest Skincare Trends to Look Out For in 2017

The Effects of Toxins on Your Skin and What You Can Do to Counter It

The skin is our body’s first layer of defense. It prevents harmful microorganisms from entering our body and protects us from infections and a number of other ailments. The fast-paced, urban lifestyle many of us lead today, however, takes a toll on our skin health. From the pollutants in the air we breathe to the toxic additives in the food we eat, there are a number of things that can have a detrimental effect on our skin.

In this article, we take a look at the effects of toxins on the skin and discuss how you can reverse the same and take care of your skin.

Effects of Environmental Pollution on Your Skin

Read moreThe Effects of Toxins on Your Skin and What You Can Do to Counter It

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